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Join an EDW Committee

Our committees are hard at work in many different areas. There is always more work to be done and we can help you find a place to contribute!


Help plan meetings and opportunities for members to get to know one another better in a safe environment. Create fun opportunities that will relieve the stress of the political challenges. Develop alternate gatherings like huddles, lunch bunch, etc. that would offer time in a smaller group. Also, these opportunities will be utilized to identify and recruit new members to participate actively in EDW.


Gather information and opportunities that will prepare the members to participate in the political dialogue and successful advocacy. Recruit speakers to speak to the group. Work with Communications Committee to ensure systems are in place to accurately inform/educate the members on issues and other concerns in timely manner.

Here's a question that only you can answer: What do you think about our current political climate?

Were you mad about the previous election? Did you feel that you wanted to do something to make a difference? Do you feel strongly about helping elect local and/or state representatives who reflect our values? Were you fed up with some of the ridiculous legislation that has been developed in Oklahoma? Do you feel strongly about educating our young people about civics and how our government works? Do you want to learn more about current issues?

No matter what your response, Edmond Democratic Women is the right place to come to find the information, the tools, the addresses, the inspiration to take one step forward and make your voice heard. There are all sorts of opportunities for service and action within Edmond Democratic Women. Whether it is writing postcards to promote candidates or causes, volunteering to help register voters, calling your representatives, or simply participating in our monthly meetings, everything you do makes a difference. If each of us makes only one effort a month to promote our goals, together we can make a huge difference. Together we will gain momentum, and soon we will see a blue wave across our state like never before!

Watch our webpage for opportunities to advocate, to learn, to communicate, and to participate! Or contact the Education Chair for more information. We would be delighted to have you join this dynamic group that is helping to make things happen in Oklahoma.


Develop the tools necessary for the members to easily communicate information with one another in a timely fashion. Also, recommend “tools” that can be used to best communicate with our elected officials and work with Education to make sure members use the tools effectively. Assist teams/members when needing to share information with the group.


Identify and/or develop opportunities for members to influence policy decisions being made by elected officials. Help identify methods that can be used by members to be successful in their efforts. Lead advocacy efforts at the State Capitol and elsewhere.

It is the goal of the Advocacy Committee to position EDW as a well-respected voice at the local, state and federal levels when discussing legislation that impacts Edmond and its citizens. We will accomplish this by increasing the advocacy skills of the individual members of EDW and by providing opportunities to advocate together as a group. Read more details about the Advocacy Committee's strategic plan, or contact the Advocacy Chair to find out how you can help.

EDW members advocate an end to gun violence in Stillwater at Oklahoma State University

Recruit, Support, Elect

Develop specific methods for identifying potential candidates for local, county, state and federal offices. Help prepare and equip those individuals to enter the races, then provide the support needed to be elected (money and shoe leather).

HD39 Day of Action


Training and information regarding Precinct Officers and opportunities to boost voter registration and participation.

Oklahoma had the worst voter participation in the country in 2020. Edmond Democratic Women has set out to engage more Democrats in the voting process and effect positive change. We are planning Voter Registration Field Days and other events to boost voter engagement. Are you ready to Stacey Abrams this thing? Join us! We can't wait to hear from you so contact us!

Voter Registration Booth at OKC Pride

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