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Project 2025's impact on women's health

The page numbers provided link directly to the relevant sections in the Project 2025 document.

As Oklahomans, we are deeply concerned about the government's goal to control medical freedoms by implementing personhood bills designed to take away the ability to make personal decisions. Personhood bills eliminate people's autonomy over their own bodies and gametes. Personhood bills create barriers and restrictions for those who seek IVF treatment necessary to build their family. We are deeply concerned that the personhood bill will negatively impact the quality of IVF treatment by limiting doctors from providing their patients with the quality of care they need. Personhood bills prevent both patients and doctors from having the autonomy to provide and make decisions in their best interests.

Project 2025 specifically spells out plans to:

• Promote "fetal personhood" from the moment of conception. This mandate would negatively impact IVF and the choices people going through infertility treatments to make personal decisions regarding their health, safety, and future plans for stored embryos. This plan would mean abortion would no longer be considered healthcare and could threaten procedures like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). [450]

• Stop promoting or approving mail-order abortions. This mandate threatens women's autonomy and right to privacy to make medical decisions that affect their lives. It would make it harder for women to get abortion pills, even in states where abortion is legal. [459]

• Prohibit abortion travel funding. This rule would adversely affect women and their families, who must take time off work to travel outside of the state to seek appropriate medical abortion care. The cost of driving or flying, hotel, food, and loss of wages from work put women at an added expense in addition to the unnecessary stress of these arrangements, making it harder for women to get abortions. [471]

• Collect data on abortion, including requiring states to report detailed information about abortion procedures and patients. This mandate is a major violation of HIPPA and medical privacy regulations as it stands today. No one has the right to your medical records unless you give permission. This rule would allow a governing body to dictate authorization to police and other authorities to monitor your travels. [455]

• Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds. This would negatively impact women's ability to get quality, affordable health care, including cancer screenings and contraception. [471]

• Reverse guidance that enables hospitals receiving Medicare funds to perform emergency abortions. This mandate would enable hospitals in pro-life states to refuse to perform abortions, even when it is necessary to save a woman's life, creating a systemic hierarchy and practice of tyranny that women are not valuable or worthy of healthcare and dignity. [473]

Why is there a massive, purposeful, and deliberate plan by predominately white men, who are not medical doctors or empathetic, that is determined to control women's reproductive health? More importantly, why is there a need to monitor women's menstrual cycles and gather data on women who are pregnant?

They want to control women in a way that advances their power and authority.

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