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Edmond Democratic Women 2023-24 Strategic Plan


The Edmond Democratic Women is an inspiring and motivating group that demonstrates through their actions that they are a positive force to be reckoned with. This is an inclusive group with progressive democratic values that can mobilize change and always stands with the underserved. EDW is a reliable resource dedicated to informing members and helping elect progressive candidates to office.


The mission of the Edmond Democratic Women club is to make positive change in the community, the state and the country by leveraging our collective strengths. We will do this by:

  • Providing a positive and unified voice from a group of concerned and caring women, educated on the issues;
  • Promoting the values of the Democratic Party and supporting those individuals who will represent those values in elected office in our community, our state and at the federal level;
  • Providing the support for one another that is needed in this uncertain world.

2023-2024 EDW Priorities and Initiatives

  • Initiate and support voter registration efforts
  • Support and elect Democrats and progressives to local, county, state and federal offices
  • Support precinct work to activate Democrats and get out the vote
  • Advocate for progressive issues at the local and state levels

Committee Goals

Support our EDW priorities and initiatives by:

  • Making data driven decisions
  • Developing and conveying strong Democratic messaging
  • Involving and developing committee members through regular meetings


Build an organization composed of members that are committed to, and engaged with, the mission of the Edmond Democratic Women.

  • Structure General Membership Meetings to engage our members with increased social time, an advocacy call to action, and opportunity to learn about or participate in committee work
  • Recruit new members through new member drives with a focus on diversity of all types. Encourage members to recruit friend and educate others about EDW through the use of our business cards and other Democratic messaging.
  • Organize social events to connect our members so that they will feel a part of our collective group.


Identify effective voter registration opportunities and mobilize the efforts. Organize precinct efforts to mobilize Democrats and get out the vote. Stay informed and support the efforts and events of the Democratic Party (OK County, CD-5, state and federal). Inform our membership and give them the opportunity to support those efforts. 

  • Support local college and high school Young Democrats and other progressive community organizations through events, training and education
  • Develop and implement a plan for Precinct work
    • Recruit to fill precinct officer slots
    • Lead precinct efforts in Edmond
  • Develop and implement a Voter Registration plan
    • Work with partner groups to register voters throughout OK County
  • Hold absentee ballot notary events for our members and the community before each election

Recruit Support and Elect

Identify potential candidates for elected offices at all levels. Help those candidates to run. Endorse and support Democratic candidates at all levels

  • Recruit
    • Recruit for local Edmond Boards, Commissions, and all elected positions
    • Promote candidate training
  • Candidate Support
    • Endorse Democratic candidates who support our progressive values
    • Focus EDW member efforts on supporting Democrats in pivotal Oklahoma races


Ensure the EDW messages are communicated in the clearest most effective manner.

  • Social Media
    • Post on all forms of social media consistent with our social media policy
    • Set up automatic updates to public FB page from public Instagram page
    • Notify members of General Membership Meetings and other member and Democratic party events on EDW Members Only FB page on a regular schedule


Inform our members about current progressive issues so that they are prepared to present the facts in an effective manner.

  • Develop educational programs for membership meetings to include:
    • Topics pertinent to the 2024 elections including party election strategy, candidate outlook from Democratic leaders at the Capitol, campaigning opportunities, etc.
    • Work with RSE Chair on speakers and training regarding recruiting, training and supporting candidates, and campaigning
    • Updates from Democratic elected officials and state agencies regarding interim studies, current legislation and other state-wide issues such as public education and budget


Position EDW as a well-respected voice at the local, state, and federal levels when discussing legislation that impacts Edmond and its citizens.

  • Focus on five main areas:
    • Education
    • Women’s Rights/Healthcare
    • Social Equity
    • Public Safety
    • Environment
  • Present a call to action for our members for each membership meeting
  • Capitol Visits:
    • Organize State Capitol visits for our members in the Fall to familiarize members with the Capitol when the legislature is not in session and in the Spring to meet with the Democratic leaders and our individual representatives


  • Develop messaging for Edmond Democratic Women to be used:
    • For precinct work to reach other Democrats and to get out the vote
    • To empower our members and other Democrats to get activated for the 2024 elections
    • To emphasize the importance of voting

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